Green Nutritionals - Green Superfoods Powder

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Sale price$54.95 Regular price$62.95


A unique blend of the World's 5 most nutrient-rich superfoods, GreenSUPERFOODS contains a natural super-rich spectrum of wholefood nutrients including powerful plant pigments and carotenoids, plant enzymes, complete plant protein, organic vitamins, minerals and trace elements, all in one exceptional product. 

GreenSUPERFOODS contains Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella, Australian Organic Barleygrass, Wheatgrass and Organic Marine Plant Minerals - these amazing products are the Kings of green superfoods.


Natural Foods are THE best source of essential nutrients for basic human health and protection against disease. Some foods have an extraordinary range and levels of nutrients available - these are known as SUPERFOODS.

SUPERFOODS are foods that contain higher than normal levels of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (often in the form of plant pigments), essential fats and enzymes. SUPERFOODS have SUPER health benefits, delivering high potency nutrients that may help to protect against serious disease, lower cholesterol, protect the organs from toxins and improve digestive health. 


Certified Organic Spirulina 25%, Certified Organic Chlorella 25%, Certified Organic Australian Barlygrass 25%, Certified Organic Australian Wheatgrass 15%, Certified Organic Icelandic Lithothamnium Calcareum (marine plant minerals) 10%


Suggested Usage: one serve = 3g (1 level teaspoon)

Adults: 1-3 serves daily - shake in vegetable/fruit juice or simply combine with foods. For very active people needing extra nutrition or athletes in training, increase daily intake gradually to 3 or more serves

Children 1-12 years: half - 1 serve daily 


Chlorella can ahve a powerful detoxification and cleansing effect in the bowel, so if pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication, always consult your healthcare professional before taking. When starting, always take a smaller daily amount discontinue use and seek medical advice.


Store below 25°C in a dry place away from direct sunlight

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